We are confident that Natural Fertility Management is the safest and most empowering method of natural contraception currently available. The program teaches you to understand and cooperate with your fertility cycles through observing body signs such as cervical mucus and basal body temperature, with the option of combining this knowledge with your personal bio-rhythmic lunar cycle.
Natural Fertility Management can be used by all women, whether or not their cycles are regular, and at any stage of their fertile life. All that is required is motivation and a healthy curiosity about your own body.
These methods, combined and refined by Francesca Naish since 1975, have assisted many thousands of women and couples with their fertility management and are used by increasing numbers of health professionals throughout Australia and internationally.
Natural contraception is appropriate for all women or couples, whatever their previous contraception program. For those coming off the Contraceptive Pill, there will be a period of adjustment assisted with treatment by natural therapies as your body returns to a natural cycle. In most cases this adjustment will be achieved within the first three months. After this initial period, most women and couples will feel confident in their use of the methods, though support is always available.
Your body gives you wonderful and unmistakable signs of fertility. You can easily learn to observe and interpret these signs in order to assist you to avoid unwanted conceptions.
You are only fertile for a few days each cycle. Once you have learnt to identify these days, you will be free to have unprotected intercourse at all other times in your cycle (if infection is not a concern).
Contraception Program Fees & Procedures A complete guide to fees and consultation procedures |
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Contraception Program Questionnaire Please complete and bring to your first consultation |
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Contraception Success Rates For NFM Contraception methods |
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The Natural Fertility Management Contraception Program consists of:
- personal consultations (preferably for both partners where appropriate)
- instruction in the identification of fertility at mid-cycle through observation of body symptoms such as cervical mucus and body at rest temperature
- monthly cycle charts to record observations
- an NFM Contraception Kit, which includes:
- a copy of Natural Fertility, a workbook and digital thermometer
- relaxation and suggestion audio downloads
- an order card for five years’ Lunar Calculations and instructions
- entry to the members section on our website
- MyNFM Charting app to make charting simple and straightforward
- abundant downloadable support PDFs
- access to ongoing charting support.
- optional instruction in the use of the bio-rhythmic lunar cycle, with your individual computer-calculated charts showing these potentially fertile times for the next five years
- instruction in how to combine these methods to tell when you need to abstain or use protection
- counselling on contraception techniques for use at fertile times and their compatibility with fertility awareness observations
- naturopathic medicine for menstrual, hormonal, reproductive and nutritional health.
Please phone (+61) 2 9268 9000 to make an appointment.
“I have been amazed by how easy it has been to observe my fertility cycles. I can’t imagine how I never noticed before! It has made such a difference to my confidence and our sex life. Contraception was meant to be easy.”
M.G. – Brisbane
“I congratulate you on the beautiful, simple and yet powerful methods of natural fertility management. As I embark on using these methods I have a great sense of enjoyment and adventure. It has put another important piece of life’s jigsaw together. Thank you.”
M.S. – Adelaide
“The rewards of using this method have extended well beyond feeling confident about contraception. It has opened up a whole new understanding of my body, and given me great peace of mind.”
B.A. – Melbourne
“I have been using natural fertility management for over a year now very successfully, and, I may add, with much pleasure. I have learned to understand and enjoy all the aspects of my cycle. I feel more in touch with my body, more confident and empowered around my sexuality and fertility as I now know exactly when I can conceive and when I can’t. I can’t thank you enough.”
G.M. – London
“I knew there had to be a better way!”
M.V. – California