The Jocelyn Centre offers effective, safe naturopathic and integrative therapy for preconception health care with a view to achieving a natural, healthy conception.
Our approach is one of common sense, focusing on optimal health for prospective parents before conception occurs to optimise your chances of a healthy conception, pregnancy, birth and baby.
We focus on nutrition, detoxification, lifestyle change, stress management and natural medicines to improve general health and address any pre-existing conditions.
Particularly for those experiencing fertility problems, we work in conjunction with GPs, gynaecologists, endocrinologists, urologists and IVF doctors, where required.
As part of our integrative philosophy, we refer all of our prospective parents for extensive medical pathology testing to further our understanding of all aspects requiring therapy. Where necessary, we also recommend undertaking further medical treatments or procedures to complement our natural therapy approach, and have excellent referral relationships with many medical specialists.
Other natural therapies, such as acupuncture, may be recommended when appropriate.
With decades of research, clinical practice and successful outcomes, the practitioners at The Jocelyn Centre look forward to assisting you achieve your goals of a natural, healthy conception.
“I had had a lot of trouble falling pregnant and after 2 years, a friend recommended The Jocelyn Centre. At first my husband was skeptical, but after hearing the success rates & seeing that the treatment was very common sense, he was very supportive. After being on the preconception program for an extended 6 months, due to complications that needed to be sorted out on my side, we eventually fell pregnant after 3 months of “trying” – we actually conceived quicker than the average of 4 months. We were thrilled to have a healthy, happy and very lively boy!”
Mrs P.N., Woronora Heights NSW
“My experience has been nothing but wonderful. I was guided through my pre-pregnancy program, had a great pregnancy, felt healthy, fit & strong and was not at all fearful of the pending birth. Of all the people I knew pregnant at the same time, I was the only one who felt so great. It’s the only way to do it. Both my son and I still visit regularly for naturopathic consultations.”
Mrs E.H., Bronte, NSW
More Testimonials! Pre-conception health care and fertility success stories |
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Conception & Fertility support information booklet A comprehensive guide to Conception help at The Jocelyn Centre |
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Conception and Fertility Support Fees & Procedures A complete guide to fees and consultation procedures |
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Conception & Fertility support Questionnaire Please complete and email prior to your first consultation |
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Conception & Fertility support Success Rates Research and success rates for preconception health care |
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Conception & Fertility support FAQs Some questions regarding Conception & Fertility support answered! |
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Specific Reproductive Health Issues Details of whether our Conception & Fertility support can assist |
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NSW Health Brochure Regarding the importance of preconception health care |
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A free Introductory information session is available to answer questions and discuss how we can assist your particular fertility issues. Please call (+61) 2 9268 9000 to make an appointment.
Conception & Fertility Support
The Jocelyn Centre offers support for all prospective parents that aims to optimise your chances of a natural, healthy conception, pregnancy, birth and baby. This includes comprehensive preconception health care and natural therapies for fertility problems, followed by naturopathic support during pregnancy.
Possible benefits you may experience by practicing preconception health care:
- for prospective parents (see Success Rates download above for more on this):
- increased chance of a healthy conception, pregnancy, birth & baby
- an alternative to assisted reproductive technology for many fertility problems
- gentle, natural and safe – does not threaten your health
- integrated naturopathic and medical approach
- an empowering experience of understanding and managing your own fertility
- improved general health and energy
- equal involvement and support for each partner
- learn safe, natural contraception for after the birth of your baby
- helpful for older parents or those with undiagnosed fertility problems.
- for your pregnancy & birth
- decreased chance of miscarriage, premature birth or stillbirth
- decreased occurrence of common pregnancy complaints (such as morning sickness)
- decreased occurrence of more serious problems (such as gestational diabetes, hypertension)
- decreased risk of postnatal depression
- increased chance of a natural, unmedicated birth.
- for your baby & child
- increased chance of a healthy, happy baby
- reduced risk of congenital malformations (birth defects)
- increased chance of problem-free breastfeeding and close bonding
- less likely to suffer from various health and learning problems in childhood
- parents educated about diet and nutrition for growing family.
- if Assisted Reproductive Technology is required. The Foresight and other studies have shown that preconception health care:
- has been found to more than double your chances of success with IVF (see “Success Rates download above”)
- helps to avoid the increased miscarriage and health risks to mother and infant that may occur.
Comprehensive initial consultations are undertaken to complete a full health assessment and devise a tailored program that aims to optimise health and fertility through:
- lifestyle modification
- improved diet and nutrition
- diagnostic tests and protocols
- natural therapies and medicines
- non-invasive medical tests and treatments
- counselling and relaxation therapy
- charting and timing techniques.
Regular check-ups (every 4-6 weeks or as appropriate) are then undertaken to monitor progress and revise therapies.
As part of seeing us for Conception & Fertility support you will also benefit from the use of our Complete Guide to Optimum Conception that supports you through the initial stages of your program and between consultations.
Through this guide you will also have access to a cycle charting app designed to work closely with your program. This will assist you to understand your cyclic fertility more thoroughly, give your practitioner valuable diagnostic information, and provide a way to time your conception attempts more accurately.
Preconception health care will be of maximum benefit if sufficient time is given for it to be effective in restoring nutritional status, removing toxins and improving reproductive health before conception takes place. In most cases, four months is the optimal period of preparation due to the life span of the sperm and maturation phase of the egg.
Phone (+61) 2 9268 9000 to book your complimentary Introductory information session.
The causes of infertility are many and varied. They include problems with the production of sperm or eggs, with the fallopian tubes or the uterus, endometriosis, frequent miscarriage, as well as hormonal and autoimmune (antibody) disorders in both men and women.
Seeing us for Conception & Fertility support can help prospective parents with a wide variety of reproductive issues.
A common situation is where there is unexplained infertility i.e. there is no diagnosed medical health issue. Often this is caused by a combination of various nutritional deficiencies, toxic exposures, lifestyle and sub-clinical health issues in both partners. These cases may be resolved in a straightforward fashion through our Conception and Fertility support, which combines natural and medical tests and treatments to fully explore and address these issues.
Natural therapies may also substantially support and improve outcomes for most male and female reproductive health problems which can compromise fertility. Our practitioners have extensive experience with these conditions which may include hormonal imbalance, irregular cycles, PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, recurrent miscarriage, previous health concerns with pregnancy or baby, thyroid or immune system problems and problems with sperm count, motility, morphology (shape) or DNA integrity. Age and stress issues can also be well supported.
Can I do IVF or use fertility drugs at the same time as receiving preconception health care?
In most cases we recommend prospective parents see one of our practitioners for naturopathic pre-conception health care as their first option (rather than their last or concurrent option).
If IVF does eventually become necessary a Foresight study in the UK showed IVF success rates more than doubled when preceded by a period of preconception health care. There are also some practical reasons for engaging with pre-conception health care first:
- preconception health care may significantly improve your chances with assisted reproductive technology procedures (if you end up taking this option afterwards)
- even seemingly intractable fertility problems may be improved while you are receiving Conception and Fertility support, and IVF may be rendered unnecessary
- if as a result of improvements to your fertility it is possible to achieve a natural conception, this is often the preferred path to take for all concerned
- taking the time to do natural preconception health care for any fertility problems can end up being time saved in the long run because this may help the chances of your first conception attempt being successful
- even for older prospective parents, the time spent in the short term by boosting your health can be worth it in the long term as the health risks due to ageing eggs and sperm may be reduced
- preconception health care may also help to reduce the risks which may be associated with assisted reproductive programs, such as miscarriage, foetal or infant health problems or perinatal death
- hormonal or fertility medications may not be compatible with some naturopathic remedies used in preconception care
- however, for patients whose fertility problems are not amenable to natural therapy (such as severely blocked tubes), your naturopath can support you prior to and during IVF/ICSI or any other assisted reproductive procedures, with a focused and comprehensive care program. See our IVF Support page.